Thursday, July 19, 2012

Update on the Bucket List!

     Hey guys! Sorry It's taken me so long to post. My summer has been super busy with work and stuff and my summer has actually turned out to be pretty rough. But I'm posting now and I've actually accomplished some of the things on my bucket list!

16. See Brave in theatres:
      Me and my friend Sarah both LOVE Disney movies so we got together and saw Brave at the midnight premiere! Here is us with one of the triplets, they were my favorite characters! I would definitely suggest seeing this movie. I loved it and was actually super impressed and not at all disappointed.

18. Go to a baseball game:
     So my whole family loves the St. Louis Cardinals and my dad got some tickets to a game! It was a lot of fun and I got some great pics while I was there.
Great seats and fun with temporary tattoos!

I love my mom

Gotta love Busch stadium


Fireworks at the game!

20. Get gelato:
     Me and my friend Sarah went to get gelato downtown. I have loved strawberry gelato since I went to Eurpoe last summer.

22. Do senior pictrures:
     I got my senior pictures done! The shoot was so fun and I love all my pictures. I ca't post any quite yet but I hopefully will soon. I took photos at my church, the photoraphers studio, an antique shop downtown, and a really neat park where I even got into a fountain for a couple pictures.

23. Clean out my closet:
     I finally got around to celaning out all the clothes that either didn't fit or I just didn't wear anymore. After I finished I had 4 full trashbags of clothes and shoes that I plan to sell later at a garage sale.

24. Make my own popsicles:
     With the help of some of my friends I made my own popsicles out of orange juice and black cherry koolaid. They were so good!


After. Yum!

26. Go shopping downtown:
     Me and my mom went downtown to check out the shops. I got this awesome Great Gatsby shirt at one of the shops.

Still working on the list. I have about a month left before I start my senior year. Wish me luck! I'll need it.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Summer Bucket List

     So you may have noticed that on the right side a new bit of information has shown up. I have decided to start a bucket list for the summer! I am hoping I can do this and I want to share all the expereiences, right here, with you. Whenever I finish something I will bold the words. Wish me luck! And if you have any ideas of something to add let me know.
     I have already accomplished some of the things on my list. Here's what happend:

1. Take a trip:
Last week I traveled to West Virginia on a mission trip.

2. Impact someone's life:
While I was on that trip I met some amazing people and I feel that, maybe not alone but as a group, me and my youth group, with the help of God, really helped them to come closer to christ.

8. Try something new:
So on this trip we had a "fun day." For our fun day our group decided to go white water rafting. I have never been white water rafting, mostly because I was afraid. Well with the encouragment of my friends I did it, and it was actually pretty fun. I may never do it again but I can say I have concord white water rafting (without falling out of the raft, if I may add.)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I'm Back With Some Pretty Cool Shoes

     It has been a long time since I have posted.... again but I'm out of school now so maybe I will be able to post more! I just got back from a mission trip on Sunday to West Virginia. It was really fun and very good to emerse myself into my faith wihtout the outside world for a while.
      One fun this about the mission trip was that we had "family groups" which were like small bible study groups who we also worked with and spent part of our fun day with. I became really great friends with one of the guys in my group nammed Tanner. One night during family groups I started drawing on Tanner's shoes (with his permission of course) and here's what happened:

     I personally am very pround of how they turned out and I think Tanner liked them as well :)
     So I am finially of summer break! This is the summer before my senior year so I am excited for it! I hope I will be able to keep this updated as I go. I hope everyone is having a great summer!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Books Series You Must Read

Books Series You Must Read


TWILIGHT by Stephanie Meyer





KIKI STRIKE by Kirsten Miller


Two above pictures come from here

THE HOST by Stephanie Meyer

THE HUNGER GAMES by Suzanne Collins

Photo from here

Monday, October 3, 2011

It's Been A While I Know

     I have an apology to make to all my followers. I know it has been a very long time since I blogged. I know some of you out there may be like most of my teachers, accepting no excuses but for those of you that would accept my excuse I think I might have a pretty good one. My junior year has been crazy so far. Crazy but wonderful. Other than school and all my classes I have been busy with my school magazine. I am graphics editor but I also write and design and take pictures. The news season for my church's youth group has also started with the new school year. I love youth and I'm happy to be back in it. I also really like my new small group now that I have moved up to the Junior and Senior girls group. I have also started taking violin lessons from a new teacher who is much more strict. Lastly and most of all I have made my schools fall musical. Nothing huge but I made it into the chorus. It is so much fun but it takes a lot of commitnment. I have rehersal almost every night until at least six.
     As for those little moments of freedom I have recieved I have discoverd some new things I would really like to share. First off have any of you heard of a website called tumblr? I love it :) Secondly I have been reading... a lot. If you are a fan of the Percy Jackson serires you should check out the Cane Chronicles and the Heros of Olympus series both also by Rick Riordan and jsut fyi the second book of the Heros of Olympus sereis: Son of Neptune comes out TOMORROW AND I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!! I also just finished the 4th book in the Kingdom Keepers serires this weeked, and I also highly recommend that book.
     I am sorry this is kind of a boring post, its mostly a recap of whats been up. Hopefully I'll be able to post more soon. But before I end this post I would like to tell you one thing. Remember my boyfriend Drew? I talked about him quite a bit. Well last Tuesday was me and Drew's one year anniversary :)

God Bless

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I'm Back From Europe!

     Well I'm finally back from Europe! I got back Sunday night at about 11:40 PM. The trip was great! We had a wonderful tour guide who had a song for almost every situation. We got to stay in hotels up on mountains. We got to attempt yodeling and sang the soundtrack of The Sound of Music on a big mountain in Germany. And we even got to visit Neuschwanstein AKA Cinderellas castle! It was tons of fun :)

Mozart's birth place

Not a real guy up there

Mozart rubber duckies!

My mom and the Vontrapps

The Munich symbol on a man hole

The glockenspiel

The Germany soccer fans are hard core

Neuschwanstein AKA Cinderellas castle

Me and my mom at Neuschwanstien

I had to pay 6.50 Euro for that water so I took a picture

This was a T-shirt I found in a gift shop and I thought it was funny

You could buy Swiss air

I fell in love in Europe... with Strawberry gelato!


The Rhine Falls

This was in a gift shop. It was SO soft!